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Levels Created Using Portal 2 Map Editor

Multiple puzzles and a new mechanism

ïŧŋ(Developed in 3 days)

I'm a title

The ​Goal of Design

  • To create a series chambers that contain puzzles.
  • To test combination of simple puzzles, and to test new mechanics.



  • Starts with simple puzzles and shifts focus towards action.
  • Players must understand the functions of the objects in order to play.
  • The 3rd zone introduces interesting ideas, an ingame gamepad, progress saving, using the game mechanics.


​Play testing and Tweaking

The 3rd zone was very interesting and creative, but it contained more than 1 mechanism and had a lot of objects that distracted the players vision. This problem occurred in the 4th cell as well.
In order to solve this  problem, I had to redesign the architecture of the map. By changing the structures, I was able to hide the the progress saving mechanism, since the players didn’t have to know about it. Also was able to make the “game pad” more easy to use.

Tutorial map introducing assets of the game (Developed in 1 day)

I'm a title

The ​Goal of Design​

ïŧŋThis map has a very clear purpose. “Introduce the factors to players”.



  • It covers almost all of the factors of Portal 2 through series of small chambers.
  • Each chamber contains a new factor, sometimes two depending on the complexity.
  • Some of the chambers also have simple puzzles. While the player tries to pass that chamber they figure out functions of the factors in it.
  • The map was designed carefully so that the players can proceed only by using the introduced factors.


Play testing and Tweaking

It was play tested by experienced players and new players both. From the experienced players, I’ve received feedback about complexity in some chambers. I redesigned those chambers so that the purpose of the map made more sense. From the new players, I’ve received very hopeful feedback such as “I could understand what each button and object does. Also I think after playing this I might be able to solve ones that are more complicated, since those are just iterations and combinations of the things in this map.”


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