Special Crafts of Tamriel (Developed in 15 weeks)
Personal project. Built using Construction Kit
In the game, there are so many clutters(object) that are used simply for decoration. The players can collect those and sell them but I believe no one did, since the prices were too low.
This mod was designed to make the clutters in the game more useful, to make the game more interesting.
People can “use” up to 80% of the clutter that exist in the game.
Books were originally written in English, but were translated into Korean later on.
Books are written in Korean, but not using the Korean language patch. By “drawing” the books, instead of writing them.(screenshots contain the translated version)
The black soul gem combiner: Combines jewels and empty soul gems to create black soul gems. It is hidden in a cave.
The magic furnace: Melts almost any object that contains metal, glass and gives raw material. It uses ingame, selfmade objects as models. It is hidden in a blacksmith’s cellar.
The magic anvil: Allows the player to forge masterpiece weapons. It uses raw materials from the furnace and skills to forge. Forged weapons are slightly stronger than normal.
The mystic furnace: Transforms Welkynd stones into magicka dust . The dust is used for other crafting
The tailors desk: Uses cloth and thread to craft robes. Players can combine the magicka dust with jewels to obtain special robes.
The poison pot: Enables to create poisoned food. Poison food acts like the poisoned apple which already existed.
Introducing the Contents
I added a short story to each content in this mod, introducing the new artifacts through a book.
An adventurer named Silvinarell wrote books about interesting artifacts he saw during his adventures in the past. They introduce the artifacts, and explain why they are special (using the lore in the game). He also mentions where they could be found, but the information is not direct but vague, relying on tales and fading memories. So the player has to read the book and figure out where the artifacts are.
Play Testing and Feedback
Players asked for special rewards for using each content. So the special robe effects and enhanced weapons were implemented.
Players asked to make the content more "Korean friendly", so I translated the books and implemented them as images so that it would show Korean even without the language patch (language mod).
Since the mod does not change the balance nor the theme of Elderscrolls, many people used this mod. At that time, when the Korean Elderscrolls community was much smaller than now, the posts had over 12000 views in total, and the mod was listed on the recommended mods category.