Temple of Ash-Luha (Dungeon) Designed for Bless
Using Unreal Engine 3, proprietary AI Editor and datasheet based XML
Video Created By
Bless - a MMORPG being serviced by Neowiz Bless Studio
Bless is an AAA MMORPG currently being serviced in Korea, Russia and comming soon in Japan and on.
Temple of Ash-Luha is a dungeon for 5 players of level 50 (the game's current maximum level is 50).
The dungeon was focused on vertical navigation, strategic movement, recognizing patterns and delivering the last chapter of a story.
It received many positive feedback on it's gameplay experience and it's stunning visuals and was updated a couple of times to fix bugs and possible exploitation.
Objective of design
Let the players experience multiple boss encounters, each using different mechanics
Provide a (very) challenging combat experience
Deliver a story of intercepting a ritual that tries to wake the fallen god of flame and madness
Goal for players
Infiltrate the dungeon and stop the ritual or kill the awoken god
Level design challenges
Design a map focused on vertical movement, that has a short cut
Enable a boss to have multiple weapons and make it use skills based on what it's holding
Provide clues to each boss's core mechanics - every single encounter prior to each boss introduces at least 1 new mechanic of the next boss
Deliver the final part of a story of a long quest that involves a ritual of a god - used and created particle effects controlled by multiple matinees to set up a cinematic scene
Change the environment during combat to provide a more immersive experience
System design challenges
Designed a new system that allows bosses to share HP and enemies but not aggro.
Finding a way to prevent people from cheating by tweaking the client - designed functions that connected different AI systems (such as NPC AI, system AI) to track events happening through the whole dungeon